Friday, September 30, 2011

Banna Split Cupcakes

I was super excited to make these ones... the perfect mix of Banana, Cherry and chocolate, not to mention topped with Marshmallow cream frosting.. mmmmm.. Your jealous, I know it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Flyer

So I made a flyer to out up on the bulletin boards around town. Hoping to drum up some business to send the Hubby to Pharmacy School..
Thanks Everyone!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Relay for Life- Survivors dinner.

Thank you to DianeBPhotography for allowing me to use the pictures she took for this post. You can see all her fantastic photography work Here.
I made 250 cupcakes for the event, and wanted the cake to be the centerpiece, and it was a great subject of conversation for many around the park. I am so tired from this one!

I also owe much thanks to my Hubby, Miss Shanda, My Momma and Mom& Dad R. They pulled the last and final touches together while I was working at my day job. I am also thankful for those who allowed me to leave early to get everything  done and delivered.
I met a lady whom survived cancer, and again was fighting for her life. We talked about faith, and attitude. Seeing all these people walking into our little dinner spot really made this past week worth it. I too often find myself depressed because I had a hard day at work, but Cancer, never sleeps, you cannot just crawl into your bed and make it go away. Therefore, I pray for those who fight and celebrate with those who have won.

Friday, June 24, 2011

My first wedding cake

I had a month to plan this one out, it is very similar to one I did for a bridal shower in February. Except this one is twice the size of the other one.

Its white cake with cherry filling. I spent a week trying to catch up on sleep after this one. I made the Lillie's this time out of gum paste.

Things I learned from this cake:
1. I will no longer be depending on me making perfect marshmallow fondant last minute.
It was sticky and I couldn't get it to work with me at all.
2. I will start ordering my fondant from satin ice.. its worth it.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Barn Yard Birthday

This is the quickest cake I have made ever so far. We left Arizona for Idaho on a Tuesday, arrived in Idaho on a Thursday night and I made this cake on a Saturday for the afternoon party. They made it really easy for me though. Really, all I had to do was bake a cake, fill it with yummy Oreo filling and put green fondant on top. They supplied the farm animals, I just arranged them.

Even though its simple, its one of my favorites.

Things I learned from this cake:
1. I can do orders on short notice.
2. I love my Oreo filling recipe

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lillies and Chocolate

I made the following cake for a bridal shower. The bride wanted a chocolate fondant cake with Calle
Lillie's, and this is what she got:

The Lillie's are made out of fondant.

What I learned from this cake:
1. Lillie's made from fondant break REALLY easy. Next time I will use gum paste.
2. Rainy days make the cake shiny.. and blemish able.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hawaii.. Honeymoon.. Anniversary..

I made this cake for one of my Greatest Friends. She very much deserved this cake, while she
                                           celebrated her 5th anniversary with her sweet heart.
They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and she wanted to surprise her husband with a cake reminiscent of those days back when.. She has been such a supporter through all my ventures and was on the top of the clientele list when I started my little cake hobby. I am thankful for her friendship always..